Princess Dakota and her older sisters have lived in a magnificent forest full of fairy and mermaid magic and has been a safe place for the family many years. The humans have no magic to speak of but have seen the magic of the fairies and mermaids
He was little with dark hair, feeling the eruption coming nowhere to contain the coming destruction. They were five college-educated adults, creating a chain to pin him in the corner. The screaming of a second grader pleading to be let go to calm
This is a stand-alone, fourth in series, of The Adventures of Jimmy Crikey, the alien orphan who, despite cruel bullying, decided to make his home on Earth. He numbers among his friends the four witch guardians of Earth’s realms and the ancient
Timmy is a 10-year-old that has his heart set on a new pair of inline skates that will make him cool like his other hockey buddies. Timmy’s Adventure How Lucky Am I? Takes the reader on a journey of a middle-class family in Northeastern Michigan
A book appropriate for children and families connected by foster care.
Recommended for ages 6 and up with ages 6-9 being read with an adult. Beautifully illustrated, this work provides an honest look and deeper understanding of how the