The Recovery of Innocence: Uncovering the Hidden Path to Fulfilled, Mature Masculinity

If you are a man who have never been able to feel joy and fully experience life through the body and its senses — and as a result tends to keep most things at a purely cerebral, intellectual level — this book is for you.

If you are a man who has always struggled with building genuine connections with others, this book is for you.

If you are a man who is unable to feel compassion, or even tolerance, toward another (or a dislike of certain 'types' of people), this book is for you.

If you are a man who lacks motivation, a sense of purpose and creativity, this book is for you.

If you are a man who feels a sense of 'coldness' towards children, or simply struggles to relate to them in the ways most people find naturally easy to do, this book is for you.

If you struggle with control, this book is for you.

If you struggle with addiction that you have been unable to overcome, particularly around things like food, exercise, sex and perfectionism, this book is for you.

This book is for men who find it hard to feel 'connected' to others, in a meaningful, deep way. It is a book that is written for those men who have had to 'grow up fast' — and as a result, for the sake of survival, have lost the truest essence of their inner life.

Let me explain...

Every man was once a little boy. Every man has once longed to live a life of joy, passion, and fulfilment.

Every little boy has deep desires, big dreams and a huge amount of passion to fuel a lifetime spent in a process of development of his self for the fulfilment of those desires and dreams...

But by the time they reach maturity, most men lose all of that.

One day, the man wakes up, and the magic of childhood is gone. He does not even notice, and this is what makes his life unspeakably sad. But he keeps his head down and keeps taking step after step on his slow, tedious journey through life, not noticing that he had stopped living long ago.

For most men, the process of 'growing up' has meant the loss of the very thing that once made adulthood so desirable: the boy within them, and all his dreams and desires.

As the years roll by, instead of becoming more and more fulfilled, and more in touch with our purpose in life, instead of growing more and more excited about life and the role which is uniquely ours to play in it, most of us slowly settle for lives that lack real passion, meaningful connections, and a genuine sense of contribution to the world around us.

As adult men, we live lives of 'comfortable numbness', and although many of us suspect that, there's very little that we feel able to do about it.

We lose the rich inner life we once had, and we call that 'aging'.

Yet, although years and decades may have passed, deepening the emptiness within, I have news for you...

That life is not lost.

But it can only be regained if you are willing to take a deep journey into the subterranean realms of your inner being.

Yes, things can change. No matter what your 'personality' is, regardless of your 'background' or your 'culture', if you are willing to pursue change regardless the cost, then this book is for you. If you are willing to sacrifice your present comfort for the pursuit of a future life of meaning and fulfilment — then, as a result of this, your life will begin to be transformed from inside out.

Yes, things can change indeed! No matter how old you are, things can change deeply.

But you must be willing to say 'yes'. You must be willing to bravely enter that journey.

It won't be easy, but I promise you, it will be worth everything.

Choose the journey. Choose life.


Religion & Spirituality