Remember Remember: A Temporal Detective Agency Novel (The Temporal Detective Agency Book 3)

The Temporal Detective Agency gets together in Remember Remember for their most dangerous adventure yet.
Tertia, Unita, and their boyfriends’ holiday plans are ruined by the mysterious Mr North, from the Federal Bureau of Infinity, asking them to help stop two American presidents being kidnapped for ransom. However things are not as they seem. The Agency starts on a time travelling adventure that takes them to 19th century America and to the American War of Independence, as well as to 17th century London where they get mixed up in one of the most famous conspiracy plots of all time.. On the way, they get help from people such as H G Wells, Thomas Edison, the Three Witches from Macbeth, General Custer and amazingly Al Capone. Once again Tertia tells the story and together with Unita her cousin, she takes the Agency into a time travelling rollercoaster minefield of an adventure that nearly ends in a Big Bang ... twice!
The rest of the Agency Merlin the famously female wizard, Marlene her younger sister, Galahad the celebrity chef and Gawain all play their parts.
Who is the mysterious Mr North? That's what the girls and their boyfriends need to find out.


Teen Young Adult